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Generate leads from our community of
over 20,000+ decision makers and influencers

Generate leads and build relationships with retailers

Grow your sales pipeline

IMRG enables you to enhance every stage of the customer funnel and ultimately grow your business. The hundreds of leads your receive when you join our community will directly feed your sales pipeline and enable you to feed your sales team with better contacts.

Build relationships to grow your business

You won't just generate leads with IMRG. Our virtual networking and knowledge sharing events, such as webinars and conferences, put you in the room with the people that matter to your business.

Connect with our highly engaged audience

By combining our data and analysis with your subject matter expertise; you can attract the attention from our highly engaged audience of retailers that are key to your success.

Meet key decision makers

The IMRG community is made up of online retailers and ecommerce leaders from businesses of all sizes, sectors, and job functions.

Grow Your Sales Pipeline



Build Relationships to grow your business







Connect with our Highly Engaged Audience









Meet Key Decision Makers

Drive brand awareness at the heart of the industry

Become a trusted technology partner





Expand your reach









Drive Awareness Digitally










Promote your own Events

Become a trusted community member

Gain unique insight into the “what, where, why, how” of online customer behaviour. IMRG tracks the online performance of hundreds of retailers. This unique source of data addresses dozens of different performance metrics derived from more than £30 billions of sales.

Expand your reach

Increase awareness and share your expert opinion, through our content programme of blog and insight articles, podcasts, webinars, virtual conferences, reports and much more.

Drive awareness digitally

Our new virtual offering brings retailers and sponsors the same insight led content and thought-leadership, but in a digital environment. Our new digital events mean bigger audiences and greater lead generation opportunities.

Promote your own events

Promote your own digital events to the IMRG membership community via our main events page and various marketing channels. We also include these events in our newsletters, reaching our community of over 20,000+ industry influencers. Upgrade to Taskforce membership and we’ll also provide you with an IMRG expert speaker!

Become Industry Thought Leaders

Showcase your knowledge

Our vast amount of opportunities to showcase your knowledge will allow you to expand your reach and position you brand as industry leading solution providers. From extensive market reports to webinars, your voice will be heard on the topic/s you specialise in.

Get your voice heard

With ample opportunity to host webinars, speak at our virtual conferences, and host networking events, IMRG membership allows you to get your voice heard in the right places and at the right times for your business.

Enhance your knowledge

As well as sharing your knowledge, by joining IMRG you'll also enhance the level of conversation which your sales team is able to hold with ecommerce leaders. Your team will have access to the data which enables you to control the conversation, enhance your sales strategy, and shorten the customer funnel lifecycle.

Showcase your knowledge



Get your voice heard






Enhance your knowledge

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Membership Benefits Comparison

Membership Feature

Insight Partner


User logins
4 users
IMRG Digital Dashboard
The Digital Dashboard gives you access to immediate market intelligence on the performance of specific market segments. You’ll gain access to detailed information on aggregated performance metrics from over 200 retailers, enabling your entire team to hold better conversations with potential clients.
4 users
Data and Insight Vault
Provide your team with all the market intelligence needed to support your sales strategy and underpin vital conversations with online retailers and ecommerce decision makers. You’ll get access to the Data and Insight Vault which is home to key data, analysis, and insight.
4 users
Blog & editorial content
Contribute to our blog with unlimited posts and get in front of an average of 57,674 site visitors per month. You can also promote your own insight in our Technology Partner Network, expanding your reach and accessing an unlimited amount of online retailers actively looking for expert insight and knowledge.
Newsletter insert
Not only will we promote your own events to our ever-growing database of industry leading retailers, but at Taskforce level we’ll even support your events, with our very own data experts providing presentations on the latest industry insights and trends.
Technology Partner Network
When you join IMRG you'll gain maximum exposure with a prime position in our members Directory called the Technology Partner Network. This is much more than just a directory, it's a platform designed to connect the ecommerce industry through expert advice, thought leadership and tailored solutions, provided by people like you.
LinkedIn Live Top Tips
Panel on a weekly data show
Showcase your knowledge on our webinars, known as The Weekly Ecommerce Data Show - the industry’s primary source of key performance indicators. Help support our weekly webinars as we reveal the latest insight on how the eCommerce market is performing, providing analysis on various datasets, and covering a wide range of industry topics. By joining as a member, you'll get the opportunity to co-host a webinar, lending your expert opinion to our community of retailers. You'll also receive all registration data so that you follow on the conversation.
Panel discussion on virtual conference
IMRG hosts four flagship virtual conferences every year, all focussing on different topics and revealing exclusive insight. You’ll attend all four conferences and get the opportunity to take to the stage, sharing your knowledge on your area of expertise at your chosen conference. The four virtual conferences are: Customer Experience Live, Data Summit, Delivery Summit, and Fashion Connect.
Presentation on a weekly data show
Virtual roundtable
IMRG’s highly regarded ‘Retailers Discuss…’ virtual roundtable style events fuse data and insight with networking, putting you in the room with 15+ senior decision makers and influencers. You’ll develop brand awareness while sharing your insight and knowledge around key industry topics. We hand-pick the attendees from our highly engaged community to ensure that you are networking with the right people to grow your business. With dedicated marketing campaigns and brand promotion, you’ll position your company as industry thought leaders.
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We offer additional sponsorship activity too!

By customising your package you can get endless amounts of additional activity, giving you extra exposure and more leads. This additional activity allows you to promote your brand and share your knowledge through virtual events, best practice reports, networking opportunities, and much more.

Find out more

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Join our community and grow your business

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