Discover how the Digital Dashboard can help you to benchmark your business
Benchmark the performance of your entire customer journey
Metric Performance
From Revenue Growth and Conversion Rate, to Website Traffic Volume and Add to Bag Rates, you can overlay your results and discover how you compare against key industry performance metrics.
Sector Analysis
Benchmark your online performance against your direct competitors through access to comprehensive sector-by-sector trends. You can gain immediate granular insight on the market sectors you need.
Industry Performance
View week-on-week, month-on-month, and year-on-year sales data. From small companies, to large enterprises; you can access specific data to suit the needs of your business.
Overlay Analysis
You can overlay your own sales data against specific time frames and key metrics of importance, then filter across a range of options to obtain precision market comparisons.
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Join companies of all sizes and from all sectors

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I see the dashboard working before I purchase it?
Yes, absolutely! You can book a demo session with IMRG, where we’ll show you the dashboard in action and answer any technical questions you might have.
During the demo, we’ll also show you some of the fascinating insights available, including those relevant to your sector. The insights taken from the demo session will help you to understand its true power and value for your business.
Book your free demo session >
Is my company data anonymised?
Yes, all of your data is 100% anonymised and we guarantee that your data is in safe hands.
Our data policy ensures that none of our members are able to figure out what data belongs to which member.
All of the data within the Dashboard is anonymised and aggregated by trusted IMRG Data Experts.
If you’d like more information about how we manage the data you provide, please contact us at [email protected].
Do I have to provide data to gain access to the Digital Dashboard?
You don’t have to provide your company’s data to access the Digital Dashboard, but this means that you won’t be able to use the Dashboard to its full potential.
By providing your data you will be able to overlay this within the Dashboard and gain the full benchmarking experience.
When you overlay your data in the Dashboard you can benchmark your business against all of the key metrics that we track.
The data that we require you to provide is:
- Gross revenue
- Gross number of orders
- Total traffic sessions
Don’t worry if you don’t provide your company’s data, you will still gain access to all of the key features within the dashboard, including general market data and all key metric trend analysis.